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Creative experimentation with Photography

Creative experimentation with Photography

January 28, 2023

As previously mentioned, I self-taught myself in manual mode, which I continue to shoot even now when the camera bodies can produce beautiful photos on their own.
From the first roll of film I ever shot, I was overexposing, underexposing, double and triple exposing, shooting to bring out the highlights and shadows, purposely blurring, intentionally moving the camera (ICM), making homemade filters, and the list goes on and on. I continue to shoot and experiment in this fashion to create artistic images that are memorable to me, along with my admirers and critics.
I have always been my biggest critic. In the last 30 years, I've taken over 100,000 photos and shared only a few 100 that I have found worthy. Sometimes I'll post an image I liked only to remove it to the abyss forever as it no longer pleases me.
My photography journey has room for improvement, and I will forever admire and learn from others and continue to push the capabilities of my gear. I hope to one day share what I have accomplished through teaching or writing it all down.
Half the enjoyment in photography is just getting out there and creatively experimenting. I've never been one to shoot what everyone else is shooting. That's why some of my most cherished photos are from backpacking great distances and finding situations that few others have had the opportunity to shoot.
As always, please drop me a note about photography or adventures, and let's have a conversation.

Talk  soon, Bob


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